Friday, November 29, 2019

Clean Well Light Place Essays - A Clean, Well-Lighted Place

Clean Well Light Place A Clean Well Lighted Place Earnest Hemmingway Analysis The conversation starts out with the narrator setting up the story and the scene, as most do. An indication is made about the setting in the caf? with the leaves giving a shadow and hence telling us that the story was taking place on a patio or street of the caf?. An old man that was deaf and seems to be on hard times, which he was, especially after finding out that he had recently tried to commit suicide. One of the waiters whos table the old man was sitting at began to get impatient with him just sitting there taking up his time, that he felt was better suited for sleep since three-o-clock in the morning was too late for bedtime. This was one indicator of the waiters age, his impatience was most likely derived from his youthfulness and preoccupation with a young family at home. Several statements made by the younger waiter like, Youll be drunk and You should have killed yourself last week, began to encourage the older waiter to take up for the old man and let his true feelings out instead of being passive and courteous as he had been in previous conversation. As the ensuing conversation takes place between the waiters we begin to realize each ones priorities and what relationship that the old man plays in their lives. The older waiter began to recognize himself in the old man, not mentioning anything about a family of his own at home. Another reason the older waiter sympathized with him was the fact of his own age and could see why the old man did the things that he did. Loneliness seemed to be a common factor for both of the older men. When the younger waiter had left and the bartender came into play, it reminded me of the same scenario that had just played out between the younger waiter and the old man. This time it was the bartender somewhat being the young waiter and the older waiter being the old man. When he said the Lords Prayer replacing words with nada he was giving the inclination that no one re ally gave a damn, and he might as well play out the cards life is dealing him. He also continued to talk about the lighting in the place as if he and the old man felt safe because of it, almost a kind of phobia about the dark. Safe in the shadow of the leaves of the trees, yet he could see everything and everyone around him. At the end when he was going to bed and the sun was coming up he said that he must have insomnia, and made it expectable by believing that a lot of people have it, so nothing was wrong with him. The older waiter and the old man seem to both be suffering from depression, however, the older man was in a far more advanced state of the problem. The older waiter could see that his life of loneliness would eventually perpetuate into what he had experience that night during his visit with the other waiter and how the old man had been treated. I think that as we get older we also realize that life can take turns for the worse and true realization of what could happen to us is more believable. When we are younger everyone likes to believe that they are invincible. Creative Writing

Monday, November 25, 2019

Conjugation Tables for the Italian Verb Giocare

Conjugation Tables for the Italian Verb 'Giocare' Giocare is a versatile Italian verb meaning to play, matter, come into play, gamble, deceive, or even trick. It is a regular  first-conjugation Italian verb.  Giocare  is either a transitive verb (meaning it takes a  direct object) or intransitive verb (meaning it does not take a  direct object) and is conjugated with the  auxiliary verb  avere. First-Conjugation Verbs Before conjugating  giocare, its important to understand what first-conjugation Italian verbs are and how they are conjugated. Verbs with infinitives ending in –are are called first-conjugation, or –are, verbs. The present tense of a regular –are verb is formed by dropping the infinitive ending –are and adding the appropriate endings to the resulting stem. There is a different ending for each person. There are two types of first-conjugation verbs: with verbs like giocare ending in –care (as well as similar verbs like  cercare,  to try  and  caricare,  to charge) and –gare (such as  litigare, to fight, and  legare, to bond), you add an h immediately after the root with declinations startining with e or i to  maintain the hard c or hard g sound. The Auxiliary Verb Avere In Italian, an auxiliary verb- either  avere  (which is paired with giocare) or  essere- is used whenever forming  compound tenses. The auxiliary (or helping) verb, in combination with another, gives a particular meaning to the conjugated verb form. For example, compound tenses such as the  passato prossimo  are formed with the present indicative of the auxiliary verb  avere  or  essere  and the  participio  passato, â€Å" past participle. Conjugating Giocare The tables provide conjugations for tenses and moods of the verb giocare.  Where available, links provide an opportunity to find further information about the meaning and use of the mood or tense. Indicative/Indicativo Presente io gioco tu giochi lui, lei, Lei gioca noi giochiamo voi giocate loro, Loro giocano Imperfetto io giocavo tu giocavi lui, lei, Lei giocava noi giocavamo voi giocavate loro, Loro giocavano Passato Remoto io giocai tu giocasti lui, lei, Lei gioc noi giocammo voi giocaste loro, Loro giocarono Futuro Semplice io giocher tu giocherai lui, lei, Lei giocher noi giocheremo voi giocherete loro, Loro giocheranno Passato Prossimo io ho giocato tu hai giocato lui, lei, Lei ha giocato noi abbiamo giocato voi avete giocato loro, Loro hanno giocato Trapassato Prossimo io avevo giocato tu avevi giocato lui, lei, Lei aveva giocato noi avevamo giocato voi avevate giocato loro, Loro avevano giocato Trapassato Remoto io ebbi giocato tu avesti giocato lui, lei, Lei ebbe giocato noi avemmo giocato voi aveste giocato loro, Loro ebbero giocato Future Anteriore io avr giocato tu avrai giocato lui, lei, Lei avr giocato noi avremo giocato voi avrete giocato loro, Loro avranno giocato Subjunctive/Congiuntivo Presente io giochi tu giochi lui, lei, Lei giochi noi giochiamo voi giochiate loro, Loro giochino Imperfetto io giocassi tu giocassi lui, lei, Lei giocasse noi giocassimo voi giocaste loro, Loro giocassero Passato io abbia giocato tu abbia giocato lui, lei, Lei abbia giocato noi abbiamo giocato voi abbiate giocato loro, Loro abbiano giocato Trapassato io avessi giocato tu avessi giocato lui, lei, Lei avesse giocato noi avessimo giocato voi aveste giocato loro, Loro avessero giocato Conditional/Condizionale Presente io giocherei tu giocheresti lui, lei, Lei giocherebbe noi giocheremmo voi giochereste loro, Loro giocherebbero Passato io avrei giocato tu avresti giocato lui, lei, Lei avrebbe giocato noi avremmo giocato voi avreste giocato loro, Loro avrebbero giocato Imperative/Imperativo Presente gioca giochi giochiamo giocate giochino Infinitive/Infinito Presente giocare Passato avere giocato Participle/Participio Presente giocante Passato giocato Gerund/Gerundio Presente giocando Passato avendo giocato

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Reflection Paper in Terms of What I Learned in Software Access 2010 Essay

Reflection Paper in Terms of What I Learned in Software Access 2010 - Essay Example Juxtaposition between the learning objectives and expected outcomes versus my current abilities also proves that I am much better informed now than I was at the beginning of the course. The appropriate introduction that was given at the beginning of the course allowed me to have a good and concrete background and understanding of the big picture of business information systems and their application within business processes. My current proficiency and mastery of the various concepts that are stipulated within the objectives of the course are therefore as a result of the effective course introduction. The introduction of the course was followed into deeper study of Relational Database Models for the Logical and conceptual modeling of business processes within which I attained my current adequate comprehension of how business processes can be modeled to ensure that they are both efficient and aligned to the mission, vision and goals of an organization. At the end of the course, I am confident that I am able to design and model an effective business process that would be applied to realize goals of a large enterprise. The assessments and peer review of my performance m otivated the achievement of the desired course outcomes. My skills in modeling of business processes in the application of information systems advanced with more study of the course material and exercises which comprised both individual and group work. My first essay acted as a guiding framework within which I understood my goals which allowed me to employ the guidance of the instructor and group members as well as effective learning approached to achieve skills required for advanced modeling. This is the reason why I have a desirable understanding of all concepts in advanced business modeling and ability to apply them within a work environment to instill improvements in work processes. The ability that I gained to present these concepts within the blackboard reveals that the course had allowed me to acquire and gain from both understanding knowledge and skills of articulating them through a presentation. This means that I have acquired relevant business communication skills of conc epts as required for the human resource within the contemporary competitive business environment. I boldly mention that through this course I have also gained managerial skills especially in planning for disasters and application of various strategies and measures to recover from various disasters that could befall a business information system. I greatly appreciate the role of security policy for securing information systems from possible risk issues that which may result to discontinuity of operations and resultant losses to an organization. In addition the querying of systems for acquisition of information for decision making is an aspect that I am specifically good at through the leaning processes of the course. This includes financial information which is applicable by managers in the making decisions on the strategies that are to be employed in improving business performance. My proficiency in Access 2010 is one of the most notable achievements that I would point out that the course has allowed me to achieve. Group activities and assignments in Acquisition and Revenue Cycles allowed me to focus and work hard in the use of Access 2010 for statistical analysis of business data including financial information which is an inevitable application within modern business organizations. I am now knowledgeable and experienced in the use of Ac

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume - Essay Example The researcher states that David Hume is an Empiricist. He is a believer in sense experience as a primary source of knowledge. He believes in observable phenomena, that greatly influences his view of the self. He believes all the elements that make up the self can be observed. The most vital premise he advances to support his ‘no-self’ conclusion is that there is too much turbulence in one's life for one to remain untouched. This is a well-thought position. Imagine that constantly in life, one has to tackle varying circumstances using equally varying means. It’s impossible that there is a part that remains impervious to all this change. Small elements of our make –up may remain the same but the general picture is altered from time to time and with different situations. Also, central in Hume’s study of the self is his assertion that the self is â€Å"is a bundle or an assemblance of different perceptions† not a substance. Perceptions are† ideas or impressions† about oneself. This is to say that every person has a character that is unique to them. It also to states that this â€Å"ideas and impressions† are recognizable even by ourselves. By and large, we all agree to some extent with Hume’s position. The ideas that build up to his conclusion are well thought out and go a long way to re-affirming him as foremost on personal identity.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Critical Evaluation of an Entrepreneurial Australian Business Essay - 1

Critical Evaluation of an Entrepreneurial Australian Business - Essay Example The company operates in the technology industry which requires innovation at all times so as to remain competitive in the market. The business rather was developed due to the exhaustive manual records hence there was a need for cheaper storage materials for the small businesses. This led to the rise of depot management systems by the company to alleviate the problem and make the businesses more efficient (CAGAN, 2010).However, the industry is characterized by competitive markets where there are free entry and exit. Thus as time goes by the market is concentrated in the provision of the goods and services. The firm plans to increase its management systems so as to upsurge its customer base as to raise more capital that can be used for expansions. The current server that is used by the company is quite small and cannot accommodate the rising demand for the service in data management by different institutions and individuals. The company thus plans to invest in more server space at rela tively affordable cost. The organization also plans to diversify in its activities to surge revenue base which are just the few growth strategies to be implemented.The customer base has since increased since small business who can’t afford the large and expensive management and documentation system ends up in the Betz facility services .this has since increased the market size of the company commanding a substantial share of the market. As a result, sales are greatly improved raising more revenue for the company.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Sports Biomechanics and Functional Anatomy

Sports Biomechanics and Functional Anatomy Introduction: Biomechanics is the sport science field that applies the laws of mechanics and physics to human performance, in order to gain a greater understanding of performance in athletic events through modelling, simulation and measurement (Wood, 2009). According to Mcginnis, (2004), Biomechanics is useful to sports and can identify what forces may have caused an injury, how to prevent the injury from recurring and what exercises may assist for injury rehabilitation. It can be used for alternations in technique, equipment or training to prevent or rehabilitate injury. The general role of Biomechanics is to understand the mechanical cause-effect relationships that determine the motions of living organisms. In relation to sport, Biomechanics contributes to the description, explanation, and prediction of the mechanical aspects of human exercise, sport and play. Sports biomechanics offers methods by which the very fast actions which occur in sport can be recorded and analysed in detail. An importa nt application of sports biomechanics with any sport is the definition and understanding of skills. This can help in the coaching process and as a result enhance the learning and performance of those skills (Reilly and Williams, 2003). When looking at golf it is clear to see a lot of skill is involved during the swing. Hung and Jani, (2004) stated that the golf swing is one of the most complex biomechanical motions a human can make in sport. The aim of the golfer must be to make a consistent strike of the ball to propel it in the desired direction for a given distance. Furthermore the hip plays an important role in the golf swing. The Hip joint: The hip joint is one of the largest and most stable joints in the body. It is a ball and socket joint that consists of the head of the femur connecting with the acetabulum of the pelvic girdle. The pelvic girdle, including the hip joint plays an important role in the supporting the weight of the body while offering mobility by increasing the range of motion in the lower extremity. The acetabulum is the concave surface of the ball and socket joint, facing anteriorly, laterally and inferiorly. Furthermore the spherical head of the femur fits snugly into the acetabular cavity, giving the joint both congruency and a large surface. Both the femoral head and the acetabulum have large amounts of spongy trabecular bone that facilitates the distribution of the forces absorbed by the hip joint (Floyd and Thompson, 2001; Nordin and Frankel 2001; Uys, 2004). Ligaments of the hip: According to Callaghan et al, (2006) several strong ligaments reinforce the capsule of the hip joint. These include the iliofermoral ligament, the pubofemoral ligament and the ischiofemoral ligament. The iliofemoral ligament is the strongest ligament in the body and helps to prevent extension of the femur when the body is standing erect. It is a Y-shaped band of very strong fibres that connects the lower front iliac spine of the coxal bone to a bony line (intertrochanteric line) extending between the greater and lesser trochanters of the femur. However the pubofemoral ligament extends between the upper portion of the pubis and the iliofemoral ligament. Its fibres also blend with the fibres of the joint capsule of the hip joint. The ischiofemoral ligament is made up of a band of strong fibres that originate on the ischium just behind the acetabulum. These fibres blend with the fibres of the joint capsule of the hip. (Pickering, 2009) Muscles of the Hip: The muscles of the hip joint are those muscles that cause movement in the hip. Most modern anatomists define 17 of these muscles, although some additional muscles may sometimes be considered (Mind Body Motion, 2007). These are often divided into several groups. These muscles control the movements of the hips. According to Ãâ€"zkaya et al, (1999) the psoas, iliacus, rectus femoris, pectineus and tensor fascia latae are the primary hip flexors. These are also used to carry out activities such as running, walking and kicking. The gluteus maximus and the hamstring muscles are hip extensors. The gluteus medius and gluteus minimus are hip abductor muscles providing for the inward rotation of the femur. The gluteus medius is also the primary muscle group stabilizing the pelvis in the frontal plane. The adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magus and gracilis muscles are the hip adductors and also provide for the outward rotation of the femur. Movement of the hips: The hip joint allows for the greatest range of movement as it has the capacity to move in three planes, about three axes. It also has a great deal of mobility, which allows normal locomotion in the performance of daily activities. Kolt and Mackler, (2003), state that the hip joint has three degrees of freedom of motion which include flexion-extension in the sagittal plane, abduction-adduction in the frontal plane (figure 3.2) and external-internal rotation in the transverse plane. Golf The modern golf swing has evolved with this use of technology, both in equipment and analysis; as well as the physical training the golfers now go through. The golf swing is a very complex body motion, involving a large range of movement of the upper limbs that act as a link between the golf club and the body, with the lower limbs acting as the main movement promoting areas. Limitations in the body in terms of flexibility, muscular strength, endurance, or power can create faults in the swing from a biomechanical perspective. As a result, most of the successful golfers in the world today, are relatively fit, flexible and strong compared to in the older generation of golfers. Improved technology in gyms has given golfers the opportunity to strengthen specific and key muscles used in the swing. Hip rotation is very important to the effectiveness of the golf swing. According to Hill, (2007), it holds the key to a powerful swing. To increase power and ball-striking ability the hips need to rotate properly during the swing. According to Atherton,(2009), most amateur golfers rotate their hips too far during the backswing, which makes it difficult for them to get their hips to open up to the target at impact, a key component of a successful swing. However, the increased risk of hip injury is a relatively recent hazard for golfers, arising from the greater rotation favoured by the modern golf swing. This adaptation of this technique itself reduced the incidence of low-back injury among golfers. The downswing begins with a forward movement of the hips that, with good golfers, actually begins approximately 0.1 seconds before the club head reaches the limit of the back swing. This moving forward of the hips rotates the whole upper body and moves both levers through the first part of the downswing (Hay, 1993). The forces responsible for this forward movement of the hips and the lesser forces exerted by the same hip and leg muscles later in the downswing have been estimated to account for 2.5 hp of the total 3-4 hp generated in a good drive. Thus it can readily be seen that the muscles of the hips and legs constitute the main source. A series of EMG studies have described the role of the hip muscles during the golf swing (Thain and Alistair, 2002). A study by Tsai et al, (2004), showed that hip abduction strength was significantly higher in better golfers. In addition it stated all the hip movements tended to be stronger in the best golfers who had the lowest handicaps and longest driving distances. In one study performed by the University of Umea in which the muscle activities in 13 male professionals while performing a golf swing were analysed using dynamic surface electromyography (EMG) and the muscle activities were measured in percent of maximum manual muscle testing (MMT) of each muscle. During the forward swing, gluteus maximus, expressed the highest muscle activity during a complete golf swing (84%). This indicates that especially the trailing side, gluteus maximus, is an important hip stabiliser as the golfer shifts the weight to the target side and the golf club begins to accelerate (Grinell, 1999). In golf the hip is especially exposed to high-velocity internal rotation on the downswing, requiring a great deal of eccentric gluteus muscle control. Set-up, ball positon, alignment and posture are essential for a good swing. However according Shamus, ( 2001), the most common characteristic of an improper setup position is failing to use a hip-hinge motion to obtain the primary spine angle. Furthermore evolved technology has made it easier for golfers and coaches to analyse the golf swing and correct mistakes made by the golfer. Technology advances: (ASTAR and Powerstool) The Astar digital video technology is the latest, highly sophisticated software that evaluates and analyses recorded golf swings. This means that golf instructors can literally capture and illustrate every aspect of a students swing to determine and remedy any problem areas. It automatically creates a video file of the entire desire motion (for a golf swing from address to follow-through). Astar includes all necessary functionality to analyze technical performance, hence improve the golf swing by this method of analysis. By using the very latest A Star professional software, golf swings can be analysed from many different angles and a plan can be put in place for the improvement of any golf swing (ASTAR, 2006). The powerstool is another example of advanced technology used to improve the golf swing. It mimics the perfect golf swing as close as possible enabling the golfer to get inot the most efficent position (Strachan, 2009).The powerstool makes sure the golfer achieves the right amount of hip turn and shoulder turn. This helps to reduce tension and strain that is common with over turning. Technology in footwear and insoles has also developed throughout the years making golf shoes more comfortable and blister free. It has also been proven that specific golf shoes reduce injuries of the lower extremities. In addition, according to Light, (2008), the use of custom foot orthoses to change the mechanics of foot function may improve hip extension and create prolonged relief of low back pain symptoms. As a result, they provide a viable alternative to surgery to treat hip and back painmaking it pain free for golfers. Orthoses are also helpful for supporting the arch of the foot, offloading specific pressure points in the foot, and cushioning the heel. Furthermore it was claimed that orthoses could be a non-invasive approach to improving biomechanics and possibly pain. ECCO golf, (2009) states that their golf shoes use a double-layer inlay sole that ingeniously absorbs heel force, reducing the impact felt by your knees, hip and back. That same heel force is also used to power an air-circulation system that ensures a fresh, dry and cool environment for your feet making it comfortable for the golfer. In conclusion, it is clear to see that technology is evolving a rapid rate with new advances in biomechanical parameters. Advances in analysis and equipment has been proven to improve general performance of all sports and even holds an important role in reducing injury and the rehabilitation of injury.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Holocaust 6 Essay -- essays research papers

The Holocaust   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout history the Jewish people have been scapegoats; whenever something was not going right they were the ones to blame. From Biblical times through to the Shakespearean Era, all the way to the Middle East Crisis and the creation of Israel, the Jews have been persecuted and blamed for the problems of the world. The most horrifying account of Jewish persecution is the holocaust, which took place in Europe from 1933 to 1945 when Adolf Hitler tried to eliminate all the people that he thought were inferior to the Germans, namely the Jews, because he wanted a pure Aryan State.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In January of 1933, Adolf Hitler, who was part of the Right Wing National Socialist German Workers Party or Nazis, became Chancellor of Germany. Chancellor was the highest and most powerful position in all of Germany, and this gave Hitler the control of everything and everyone in Germany, after that nothing would ever be the same. Hitler wanted a pure Aryan State, a country that had a superior race to the rest of the world. This meant that he would have to kill all of the people who stood in the way of his purification. This was called a cleansing of Germany. Hitler had most of the Jews, Romani (Gypsies), Poles, Slavs, homosexuals, the anti-social, communists, socialists, trade unionists, Jehovah Witnesses, and the mentally and physically handicapped people whom were holding back the advancement of the Aryan’s executed, this was called â€Å"Aryanization†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Knowing who was and who was not a Jew was one of the problems that faced the Germans at beginning of the Holocaust. You were considered a Jew if you had three or four Jewish grandparents who were Jews, even if you weren’t a part of the Jewish community. You were known as a Mishlinge or half-breed if you had one Jewish grandparent, and you were considered a half-Jew if you were part of the Jewish community or married to a Jew. All these people were known collectively as â€Å"non-Aryans.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  People often wonder why no one put a stop to the elimination of the Jewish people; but most people did not know what happened in Germany and the rest of Europe until the end of the war. If they did know about it they chose not to believe that it existed and thought that it was only a bunch of lies. Aryan’s knew that if the... ...d because he did not like a group of people he felt that he was superior to them. It is also scary to think that so many people believed that he was right and that they truly could get rid of all the Jews and non-Aryans. In my opinion it is disgusting that people could actually have thoughts like that, it just proves that he are not as great as we think we are and maybe we are not the smartest and most intelligent creature on the earth. We have to stop blaming others for something that we are not or for something that we did, it’s just not right. During the Holocaust six million Jews died whether from the extermination camps, malnutrition, disease, being executed or by medical experimentation. In 1933, before WW II there were approximately nine million Jews living in twenty-one European countries, which Germany would soon occupy. At the end of WW II six million Jews had died. A jolting sixty six percent of all Jews died that means two out of every three Jews died because of Adolf Hitler and his followers. Jews were not the only ones to be persecuted hundreds of Gypsies, Poles, Slavs and other ethnic groups, along with homosexuals and other â€Å"insuperior† races were also persecuted.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Broadway Theater

Broadway Musical Theater The role of music has become increasingly important in Broadway theater. From the early days of theater in America, which quickly established itself in New York City, music has helped to create many successful Broadway productions. Vaudeville music, which was music hall variety entertainment, took root in the late1800s. It then turned into their theatrical revues, stage spectaculars consisting of sketches, dance, and songs with parody and satire in the early 1900s. In the 1900s, talented composers could gain popularity for their theatrical music in a very short period of time.A few such prominent songwriters are Irving Berlin, Rodgers and Hammerstein, and Andrew Lloyd Webber. Due to catchy show tunes and optimum locations in New York City, Broadway musicals are more successful then ever before, and they show no sign of slowing down. Colonial America did not have a significant theater presence until 1752 when London entrepreneur, William Hallam, sent a company of twelve actors to the colonies with his brother, Lewis, as their manager. They established a theater in Williamsburg, Virginia and opened with The Merchant of Venice and The Anatomist.The company moved to New York in the summer of 1753 and performed ballad-operas such as The Beggar’s Opera and ballad-farces like Damon and Phillida. By the 1840s, P. T. Barnum was operating an entertainment complex in lower Manhattan (Musical theatre). After the Civil War, theater in New York moved from Downtown to Midtown Manhattan where real estate was less expensive. Broadway theater did not arrive in Times Square until the 1920s and 1930s. New York City’s first â€Å"long-run† musical was a 50 performance hit called The Elves in 1857.New York runs continued to lag far behind those in London, but Laura Keene's â€Å"musical burletta† Seven Sisters in 1860 shattered previous New York records with a run of 253 performances (Musical theatre). The length of runs in the th eater changed rapidly around the same time that the modern musical emerged. As transportation improved, poverty in London and New York diminished. In addition, because street lighting made for safer travel at night, the number of potential patrons for the growing number of theaters increased enormously.Plays could run longer and still draw in the audiences, leading to better profits and improved production values (Musical Theater). Vaudeville entertainment took America by storm in the late 1800s. These variety shows had musical, comic, dramatic, aerobatic, and juggling acts. Although Vaudeville’s popularity declined by the 1930’s, it gave a distinctive flavor to Broadway shows. Revues, which had their roots in 19th century American popular entertainment, grew into a substantial cultural presence during the years 1916 to 1932 (Revue).These musical variety shows consisted of skits, dance routines, and songs that often satirized current events and personalities. During he ctic times, both of these forms of entertainment became the way to â€Å"get away from it all† for a few hours and forget about ones troubles (Revue). By the early 1900s, Broadway musicals were in full swing. The great songs from these musicals involved almost all of the top composers of the day (History of). In many cases, after the composed songs were well established, a particular song was selected as the theme song for that Broadway musical. Unknown composers had the chance to become famous overnight.Often songs â€Å"caught fire† and they were in ranks with the most successful composers of the day. One of these great composers was Irving Berlin. Born in Russia, Irving Berlin was a composer and lyricist, widely considered to be one of the greatest American songwriters in history. In 1907 he published his first song, Marie From Sunny Italy, and by 1911 he had his first major international hit, Alexander's Ragtime Band (Irving). Over the next five decades, Irving Ber lin produced an outpouring of ballads, dance numbers, novelty tunes and love songs that defined American popular songs for much of the century.A sampling of some of the Irving Berlin’s songs are: How Deep Is the Ocean? , Blue Skies, White Christmas, Always, Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better, There's No Business Like Show Business, Cheek To Cheek, Puttin' On The Ritz, A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody, Heatwave, Easter Parade, and Lets Face The Music and Dance. In a class by itself, he wrote for his beloved country, God Bless America (Irving). Throughout his sixty-year career, he composed approximately 1,500 songs. Some other famous composers were Richard Rodgers are Oscar Hammerstein who collaborated on several Broadway musicals such as Oklahoma! n 1943, South Pacific in 1949, The King and I in 1951, and The Sound of Music n 1959 (Amer Spec Encly pp 472, 930). Andrew Lloyd Webber, a British composer, has seen many of his plays appear on Broadway. Some of his best known shows are: Eita, Cats, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, and The Phantom of the Opera which is the longest running show to date (celebrating its 10,000th performance on Broadway on February 11. 2012), the Phantom of the Opera opened in the West End in 1986, and on Broadway in 1988. It won a total of seven Tony Awards including Best Musical.Phantom is the highest-grossing entertainment event of all time and the most financially successful theatrical show in history (The Phantom). In an era of stunning 3-D movies and impressive IMAX films, Broadway musical theater remains one of the most popular attractions in New York City. Few attractions match the excitement and spectacle of a Broadway musical. Featuring forty Broadway theaters, high-profile stage actors, and world-class sets and costumes, New York Broadway shows are must-see entertainment for travelers. Broadway theater is widely considered to represent the highest level of commercial theater in the English-speaking world.Ac cording to The Broadway League, Broadway shows sold approximately $1. 081 billion dollars worth of tickets in the calendar year 2011. Attendance in 2011 was 12. 13 million people (HISTORY OF). Because music plays such an important role in Broadway theater, Broadway musicals are more successful than ever before. Works Cited â€Å"HISTORY OF BROADWAY IN NEW YORK CITY, BROADWAY THEATER, MUSICALS AND SHOW HISTORY. † nyctourist. com. N. p. , 29 May 2012. Web. 3 June 2012. . â€Å"History of Broadway Musicals: More Than A Century of Musical Classics. † americana-music-and-memories. om. N. p. , n. d. Web. 3 June 2012. . â€Å"Irving Berlin. † wikipedia. org. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. , 28 May 2012. Web. 3 June 2012. . â€Å"List of the longest-running Broadway shows . † wikipedia. org. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. , 26 May 2012. Web. 3 June 2012. . â€Å"Musical theatre. † Wikipedia. org. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. , 31 May 2012. Web. 3 June 2012. .  "The Phantom of the Opera (1986 musical). † wikipedia. org. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. , 27 May 2012. Web. 3 June 2012. . â€Å"Revue. † wikipedia. org. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc, 18 May 2012. Web. 3 June 2012. .

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Rosalind Franklin Discovered DNA Structure

Rosalind Franklin Discovered DNA Structure Rosalind Franklin is known for her role (largely unacknowledged during her lifetime) in discovering the helical structure of DNA, a discovery credited to Watson, Crick, and Wilkins- received a Nobel Prize for physiology and medicine in 1962.  Franklin might have been included in that prize, had she lived.  She was born on July 25, 1920, and died on April 16, 1958.  she was a biophysicist, physical chemist, and molecular biologist. Early Life Rosalind Franklin was born in London. Her family was well-off; her father worked as a banker with socialist leanings and taught at the Working Mens College. Her family was active in the public sphere. A paternal great-uncle was the first practicing Jew to serve in the British Cabinet. An aunt was involved with the womens suffrage movement and trade union organizing. Her parents were involved in resettling Jews from Europe. Studies Rosalind Franklin developed her interest in science at school, and by age 15 she decided to become a chemist. She had to overcome the opposition of her father, who did not want her to attend college or become a scientist; he preferred that she go into social work. She earned her Ph.D. in chemistry in 1945 at Cambridge. After graduating, Rosalind Franklin stayed and worked for a while at Cambridge and then took a job in the coal industry, applying her knowledge and skill to the structure of coal. She went from that position to Paris, where she worked with Jacques Mering and developed techniques in x-ray crystallography, a leading-edge technique to explore the structure of the atoms in molecules. Studying DNA Rosalind Franklin joined the scientists at the Medical Research Unit, Kings College when John Randall recruited her to work on the structure of DNA. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) was originally discovered in 1898 by Johann Miescher, and it was known that it was a key to genetics. But it was not until the middle of the 20th century when scientific methods had developed to where the actual structure of the molecule could be discovered, and Rosalind Franklins work was key to that methodology. Rosalind Franklin worked on the DNA molecule from 1951 until 1953. Using x-ray crystallography, she took photographs of the B version of the molecule. A co-worker with whom Franklin did not have a good working relationship, Maurice H.F. Wilkins, showed Franklins photographs of DNA to James Watson- without Franklins permission. Watson and his research partner Francis Crick were working independently on the structure of DNA, and Watson realized that these photographs were the scientific evidence they needed to prove that the DNA molecule was a double-stranded helix. While Watson, in his account of the discovery of the structure of DNA, largely dismissed Franklins role in the discovery, Crick later admitted that Franklin had been only two steps away from the solution herself. Randall had decided that the lab would not work with DNA, and so by the time her paper was published, she had moved on to Birkbeck College and the study of the structure of the tobacco mosaic virus, and she showed the helix structure of the virus RNA. She worked at Birkbeck for John Desmond Bernal and with Aaron Klug, whose 1982 Nobel Prize was based in part on his work with Franklin. Cancer In 1956, Franklin discovered she had tumors in her abdomen. She continued to work while undergoing treatment for cancer. She was hospitalized at the end of 1957, returned to work in early 1958, but soon became unable to work. She died in April. Rosalind Franklin did not marry or have children; she conceived of her choice to go into science as giving up marriage and children. Legacy Watson, Crick, and Wilkins were awarded the Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine in 1962, four years after Franklin died. The Nobel Prize rules limit the number of people for an award to three and also limit the award to those who are still alive, so Franklin was not eligible for the Nobel. Nevertheless, many have thought that she deserved explicit mention in the award and that her key role in confirming the structure of DNA was overlooked because of her early death and the attitudes of the scientists of the time toward women scientists. Watsons book recounting his role in the discovery of DNA displays his dismissive attitude toward Rosy. Cricks description of Franklins role was less negative than Watsons, and Wilkins mentioned Franklin when he accepted the Nobel. Anne Sayre wrote a biography of Rosalind Franklin, responding to the lack of credit given to her and the descriptions of Franklin by Watson and others. The wife of another scientist at the laboratory and a friend of Franklin, Sayre describes the clash of personalities and the sexism that Franklin faced in her work. Aaron Klug used Franklins notebooks to show how close she had come to independently discovering the structure of DNA. In 2004, the Finch University of Health Sciences/The Chicago Medical School changed its name to the Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science to honor Franklins role in science and medicine. Career Highlights Fellowship, Cambridge, 1941-42: gas-phase chromatography, working with Ronald Norrish (Norrish won a 1967 Nobel in chemistry)British Coal Utilisation Research Association, 1942-46: studied physical structure of coal and graphiteLaboratoire Central des Services Chimiques de lEtat, Paris, 1947-1950: worked with x-ray crystallography, working with Jacques MeringMedical Research Unit, Kings College, London; Turner-Newall fellowship, 1950-1953: worked on the structure of DNABirkbeck College, 1953-1958; studied tobacco mosaic virus and RNA Education St. Pauls Girls School, London: one of the few schools for girls that included scientific studyNewnham College, Cambridge, 1938-1941, graduated 1941 in chemistryCambridge, Ph.D. in chemistry, 1945 Family Father: Ellis FranklinMother: Muriel Waley FranklinRosalind Franklin was one of four children, the only daughter Religious Heritage: Jewish, later became an agnostic Also known as:  Rosalind Elsie Franklin, Rosalind E. Franklin Key Writings by or About Rosalind Franklin Rosalind Franklin and Raymond G. Gosling [research student working with Franklin]. Article in Nature published April 25, 1953, with Franklins photograph of the B form of DNA. In the same issue as Watson and Cricks article announcing the double-helix structure of DNA.J. D. Bernal. Dr. Rosalind E. Franklin. Nature 182, 1958.James D. Watson. The Double Helix. 1968.Aaron Klug, Rosalind Franklin and the discovery of the structure of DNA. Nature 219, 1968.Robert Olby. The Path to the Double Helix. 1974.Anne Sayre. Rosalind Franklin and DNA. 1975.Brenda Maddox. Rosalind Franklin: The Dark Lady of DNA. 2002.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Women Writers 1

Women Writers 1 #1 Southworth comments on women's lives and societies views in the novel The Hidden Hand. Southworth's humor is what made her novel so popular in the early nineteenth century. If Southworth had not used humor many people would not have read what she had to say about women. Two characters that the author uses to depict feminine stereotypes are Capitola and Clara Day.Capitola, the young and adventurous spirit, crosses over many boundaries that many women did not have the chance to do in this certain time period. The first gender boundary that is crossed for the character of Capitola is when she dresses like a boy. "While all the ragged boys I know could get little jobs to earn bread, I, because I was a girl, was not allowed to carry a gentleman's parcel, or black his boots, or shovel the snow off a shopkeeper's pavement, or put in coal, or do anything I could just as well as they.English: Capitola, California

Monday, November 4, 2019

Basic Concepts and Techniques of Human Resources Term Paper - 1

Basic Concepts and Techniques of Human Resources - Term Paper Example The major objective of the company is to develop as the topmost choice for the customers gaining the fame of being the best place for spending leisure time. A few of the business principles considered by the company concentrates on delivering superior quality service, value as well as cleanliness to every individual customers, offering various opportunities to its working people in terms of reward and performing the worldwide business operations ethically (McDonald’s, 2012). Purpose of the Paper The purpose of this particular paper is to identify the required skills for a specific job position, i.e. Shift Manager which McDonald’s is seeking to fill. Moreover, the selection as well as the recruitment procedure of the aforementioned job position in the company will be taken into concern in terms of job analysis outcomes. Various aspects which include the overview along with the business context of McDonald’s will also be portrayed in the discussion. Strengths & Wea knesses One of the imperative strengths of McDonald’s lies in the fact that it holds a strong worldwide presence in the foodservice retailing industry. The company is recognized to be among the market leaders both in the international as well as in the domestic business environments. Moreover, the company has a powerful portfolio of real estate. In this regard, it has been viewed that the various business outlets of the company are located in such areas which are highly acknowledged for simplicity of access, traffic volume and visibility. The company generated much of its sales with the virtues of its brand recognition creating crucial business opportunities for its future developments. The company have also adopted aggressive market planning which ultimately assists to capture the fiercely competitive worldwide business market by a considerable level (Orji, Bao, Zino & Philippis, 2005). Apart from the strengths, the company also holds a few major weaknesses. The most apparen t weak-point of the company can be observed as its operating income which is quite low in few of its stores especially in Canada and Europe. Moreover, the other weaknesses of the company include issues regarding the quality of the products, huge rate of turnover of the working personnel and lack of product development (Scribd Inc., 2012). McDonald’s has over 33,000 restaurants worldwide engaging approximately 1.7 million employees within the entire company structure. In this regard, about 80% of the restaurants are franchised (McDonald’s, 2012). On the basis of the aforementioned grounds as well as the increasing preferences of the customers regarding fast food, it can be stated that there lies a broader possibility for the company to flourish in future while operating its business functions worldwide. Section 2 Job Analysis A successful shift manager is likely to play the fundamental role in assisting different business organizations or companies such as McDonald†™s in important areas of planning, directing as well as coordinating regular business activities which are entirely associated with the operational functions of any retail store. A shift manager also leads the working staffs of the retail stores towards the completion of production goals ensuring

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Religion - Essay Example Humans have, Acharya submits, formed their own beliefs (called probability belief in mathematics and science) about the set of unknowable elements of the universe. Â  They have branded their beliefs about the unknowable as religion. (2006: 2) Though religious beliefs differ from society to society as well as from one community to another, yet no human culture can be viewed as a society without religion. There exist countless religions in the world, but main faiths among them include three Abrahamic religions (i.e. Judaism, Christianity and Islam), Buddhism, Jainism, Confucianism, Hinduism and others. The present paper aims to focus its research on Judaism, Islam and Confucianism for the comparative study, so that their scholarly views could be drawn out in order to assess and estimate the commonalities and differences. The researcher personally interviewed one religious leader and two common men from the Jewish synagogues, Islamic mosques and Buddhist temples situated in Philadelphia, so that the true picture of the religions under study could be observed. The study has been focused on the status of racial discrimination and homosexuality in the three religious beliefs under study. i. Broad Vision: The term broad vision refers to the ideas, notions and views which are free from racial, ethnic, regional, religious and status prejudice or hatred. In the present study, the term simply means the opinions of the religious people which are free of narrow sightedness. ii. Religious Faiths: The term religious faiths simply refer to the sets of spiritual beliefs that describe the duties and obligations of the individuals towards their worshipper as well as spiritual mentor. iii. Dogmatists and Clergy: Dogmatist and clergy refer to the religious people who maintain solid and determined opinion about religious, social, political and cultural phenomena prevailing around them. The clergy are usually